N. L. H. Hattam has kept poetry as a constant companion, both in writing and reading. N. L. H. Hattam
took a circuitous route to embracing creative writing as more than a hobby, graduating from SNHU with
a degree in English and Creative Writing in 2017 after stops at Hampshire College, Roehampton
University, and SCSU, studying subjects ranging across Forensic Entomology, Theater, Anthropology, and
Art History. N. L. H. Hattam relies on writing as an umbrella to cover such disparate interests. N. L. H.
Hattam was born in Austin, Texas and then raised between Minnesota, Wisconsin, and presently
Vermont as current residence. N. L. H. Hattam’s work has appeared, or is set to, in Genre: Urban Arts,
Poet’s Choice, Funicular Magazine Online, Curating Alexandria, and Garfield Lake Review. N. L. H. Hattam
appreciates the time others take to read/enjoy the poetry of any author and feels honored to be the
subject of such gifted attention, even if only for a brief time before the torches are lit and pitchforks