Studio Portrait of Francis DiClement

Francis DiClemente 

Francis DiClemente is an Emmy Award-winning filmmaker who lives in Syracuse, New York. He is the author of multiple poetry collections, most recently The Truth I Must Invent (Poets’ Choice, 2023), Outward Arrangements: Poems (independently published, 2021), and Dreaming of Lemon Trees: Selected Poems (Finishing Line Press, 2019).

His writing has also appeared in Chaotic Merge Magazine, the Santa Fe Writers Project Quarterly (SFWP Quarterly), Evening Street ReviewBewildering StoriesNarrativelyThe MillionsArtnet NewsFilm InternationalConnotation Press, and Stone Canoe. His full-length stage play, Beyond the Glass, inspired by the Edward Hopper painting Nighthawks, was produced by a regional theater in Las Vegas, Nevada, in 2017.

He received a bachelor’s degree in communications/journalism from St. John Fisher University in Rochester, New York, and earned a master of arts in film and video from American University in Washington, DC. He is employed as a senior producer in the Division of Marketing at Syracuse University. His blog can be found at

Testimonial about the publisher:

I am honored to have my poetry book The Truth I Must Invent published by Poets’ Choice. I have enjoyed working with publisher Akshay Sonthalia to bring the book to life and promote it. I also like the fact that Poets’ Choice is an international company and my work may find its way to readers around the world.

How Poetry Helped Me:

Poetry has helped me to endure life’s difficulties, providing a creative outlet for the turmoil bubbling inside. When I was fifteen years old, my growth stopped, and doctors discovered a tumor on my pituitary gland. The removal of the tumor left me with lifelong hypopituitarism and a youthful appearance—think of a man trapped in boy’s clothing—well into my twenties.

Poetry was my solace and sounding board as I processed my emotions during my youth and early adulthood. But writing poetry is more than a cathartic exercise for me. Poetry forces me to pay attention to my surroundings—to look, listen, and discover material worth noting. Poetry makes life seem more lived (if that makes any sense) because it reframes my perspective—getting me “outside of myself” and heightening my awareness of nature, people, and the beauty of everyday life. And I find ceaseless joy in the exploratory aspect of poetry and in transmitting ideas and images through text (and white space) alone.



Test Excerpt

Sanju Khan

Don’t walk by my laundry stand, I’ve just hung a thread. Don’t send me a text – I’ll climb  between the lines to look for you. Don’t use that still eye on me, I’ll lose my rest, this incubation. Don’t make shadows play trickery in the space I’ve made

Guinevere Clark

Phenomentally Hollow By Faith.Marie 62 lines, I was born in 1962 after Maya Angelou’s Phenomenal Woman Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size    But when I start to tell them, They think I’m telling lies. I say, It’s in the reach of my arms, The span of my hips,    The stride of my step,    The curl of my lips.    I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman,    That’s me.

Faith Marie RUIZ

Ein wehes Verlangen füllt mein Herz, nach irgendetwas, das mir sehr fehlt. Es ist ein milder, bittersüβer Schmerz, der seltsam wohltut und auch quält. Ich versuche, das Gefühl zu ertasten, um endlich wieder davon frei zu sein, Doch der Versuch, mich zu entlasten, taucht mich in eine tiefe Leere ein.

Helga Schierloh

Bäume und Äste verbeugen sich gebrochen und gebogen, in der Saison nach einem großen Winterfrost. Obwohl er von der Kälte und Taubheitsgefühl umgeben war, entstehend aus dem Grau der Schwarz-Weiß-Farbtöne auf enteisigten Stielen,

Crystal Barker

Bäume und Äste verbeugen sich gebrochen und gebogen, in der Saison nach einem großen Winterfrost. Obwohl er von der Kälte und Taubheitsgefühl umgeben war, entstehend aus dem Grau der Schwarz-Weiß-Farbtöne auf enteisigten Stielen, mehlduzende grüne Eichhörnchen-Ohrblätter zögerlich knospen zart und verletzlich.

Crystal Barker

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the truth
Truth I Must Invent

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