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Duane L Herrmann

Duane Herrmann

Duane L. Herrmann, a reluctant carbon-based life-form, was surprised to find himself in 1951 on a farm in Kansas. He’s still trying to make sense of it but has grown fond of grass waving in the wind, trees and the enchantment of moonlight. He aspires to be a hermit, but would miss his children, grandchildren and a few friends. His work has been published in many physical places and online, even some of both in languages he can’t read (English is difficult enough!). His poetry has received the Robert Hayden Poetry Fellowship, inclusion in American Poets of the 1990s, the Map of Kansas Literature (website), Kansas Poets Trail and others. His history, By Thy Strengthening Grace, received the Ferguson Kansas History Book Award in 2007. He is known to carry baby kittens in his mouth, pet snakes, and converse with owls, but is careful not to anger them! All this, despite a traumatic, abusive childhood embellished with dyslexia, ADHD (both unknown then), cyclothymia, an anxiety disorder, and now, PTSD. In addition, he has nine books of poetry, a collection of short stories, a sci fi novel, a book on fasting and a couple dozen stories for children in half a dozen anthologies, plus various work in sixty other anthologies. In 2023, over a hundred of his poems were published in various places. Interviews with him have appeared in print and online. “I write poetry,” he said. “To share my appreciation and amazement in the natural world, as well as to share my life experiences. Poets Choice and Free Spirit are very ambitious endeavors to be applauded.”



Test Excerpt

Sanju Khan

Don’t walk by my laundry stand, I’ve just hung a thread. Don’t send me a text – I’ll climb  between the lines to look for you. Don’t use that still eye on me, I’ll lose my rest, this incubation. Don’t make shadows play trickery in the space I’ve made

Guinevere Clark

Phenomentally Hollow By Faith.Marie 62 lines, I was born in 1962 after Maya Angelou’s Phenomenal Woman Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size    But when I start to tell them, They think I’m telling lies. I say, It’s in the reach of my arms, The span of my hips,    The stride of my step,    The curl of my lips.    I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman,    That’s me.

Faith Marie RUIZ

Ein wehes Verlangen füllt mein Herz, nach irgendetwas, das mir sehr fehlt. Es ist ein milder, bittersüβer Schmerz, der seltsam wohltut und auch quält. Ich versuche, das Gefühl zu ertasten, um endlich wieder davon frei zu sein, Doch der Versuch, mich zu entlasten, taucht mich in eine tiefe Leere ein.

Helga Schierloh

Bäume und Äste verbeugen sich gebrochen und gebogen, in der Saison nach einem großen Winterfrost. Obwohl er von der Kälte und Taubheitsgefühl umgeben war, entstehend aus dem Grau der Schwarz-Weiß-Farbtöne auf enteisigten Stielen,

Crystal Barker

Bäume und Äste verbeugen sich gebrochen und gebogen, in der Saison nach einem großen Winterfrost. Obwohl er von der Kälte und Taubheitsgefühl umgeben war, entstehend aus dem Grau der Schwarz-Weiß-Farbtöne auf enteisigten Stielen, mehlduzende grüne Eichhörnchen-Ohrblätter zögerlich knospen zart und verletzlich.

Crystal Barker

gray sky cracks apart sun opens its golden eye sleepy dragon wakes

Angela Thomas

You can’t satisfy everyone so just try to satisfy YOU first.

Aristotle Massos

Turn all your sadness your pain into strength to move forward towards YOU.

Aristotle Massos

Fan Mails

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German Poems
German Poems
It Was A Mistake
To The Newspaper Again
Global Warming
Jumbled Part 2

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