
Joanne Rupp

United States

The author, Joanne S. Rupp, was born and raised in Hibbing, MN. She now resides in Neenah, WI with her husband, Terry. She has four children and four grandchildren. Joanne is passionate about family, life events, and nature. Her vivid imagination captures her thoughts, ideas, and feelings in her creative writing. She first started writing at the junior high school level, writing in school newspapers and later for the local Hibbing Daily Tribune, Hibbing, MN as a High School Correspondent. Along the way, she has written for various company papers. She is a contributing published poet in many poetry books, a short story writer, and most recently has published three children’s storybooks, with the fourth one in the works. Life is fun, and informative in most of the venues she writes in; however, there is always a reason for her writing a piece, and often calls attention to the reality of life’s issues and some of our more complicated situations. In her children’s books the author helps assist parents, caregivers, and teachers in addressing young childhood social and emotional issues emphasizing all of us have gifts to offer, as well as introduces everyday good values to children for better understanding. The storybooks are fun for children as they are told through the eyes of a young 8-yr old girl owner, Darcie, and her lovable French bulldog puppy, named Butterscotch. The books are suitable for young readers as well. Her writing is well researched in venues that require informative information. Joanne is a graduate of the University of WI – Green Bay, WI with a BS in Psychology. Ms. Rupp also has an Associate Degree in Liberal Arts obtained by Hibbing Community College, Hibbing, MN. Along the way she has obtained recognition in pre-school curriculum and child development. She previously owned and operated a pre-school/childcare center for 17 years. Joanne and her husband, Terry, for the past 21 years and currently own a small family-owned business in Oshkosh, WI business. Joanne is certified as a substitute teacher in the State of Wisconsin for grades Pre-K through grade 12. She has worked with children for most of her life. As you read some of her work, realize that she is not limited to a certain style or subject. She has a very wide lens when it comes to looking at the world. It is her hope that you will explore the world through various writing venues and take a pen and write your first sentence if you so choose to. After all, we all have gifts, and we all have so much to share! Enjoy!

Inspiration on why I write: I am inspired to write in many different venues by life’s experiences, life’s observations and what I have learned. I was once told later in life by a writing professor that I should write more because it seems like I would have much to say and offer to others through my writing. From that time, I have done quite a bit of writing. I think that there will always be a certain audience for those who want to present there thoughts and ideas in writing. I am happy when someone has read something I have written, and come away believing it affected them in one way or another. Writing is my greatest way of expression.



Test Excerpt

Sanju Khan

Don’t walk by my laundry stand, I’ve just hung a thread. Don’t send me a text – I’ll climb  between the lines to look for you. Don’t use that still eye on me, I’ll lose my rest, this incubation. Don’t make shadows play trickery in the space I’ve made

Guinevere Clark

Phenomentally Hollow By Faith.Marie 62 lines, I was born in 1962 after Maya Angelou’s Phenomenal Woman Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size    But when I start to tell them, They think I’m telling lies. I say, It’s in the reach of my arms, The span of my hips,    The stride of my step,    The curl of my lips.    I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman,    That’s me.

Faith Marie RUIZ

Ein wehes Verlangen füllt mein Herz, nach irgendetwas, das mir sehr fehlt. Es ist ein milder, bittersüβer Schmerz, der seltsam wohltut und auch quält. Ich versuche, das Gefühl zu ertasten, um endlich wieder davon frei zu sein, Doch der Versuch, mich zu entlasten, taucht mich in eine tiefe Leere ein.

Helga Schierloh

Bäume und Äste verbeugen sich gebrochen und gebogen, in der Saison nach einem großen Winterfrost. Obwohl er von der Kälte und Taubheitsgefühl umgeben war, entstehend aus dem Grau der Schwarz-Weiß-Farbtöne auf enteisigten Stielen,

Crystal Barker

Bäume und Äste verbeugen sich gebrochen und gebogen, in der Saison nach einem großen Winterfrost. Obwohl er von der Kälte und Taubheitsgefühl umgeben war, entstehend aus dem Grau der Schwarz-Weiß-Farbtöne auf enteisigten Stielen, mehlduzende grüne Eichhörnchen-Ohrblätter zögerlich knospen zart und verletzlich.

Crystal Barker

Fan Mails

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Exit Notes-1-2(1)_page-0001 (1)
Exit Notes
Armageddon : Poems Depicting Self Conflicting Thoughts
Zeitgeist Hellacious Sharent Money Nomophobia
Paradise Poems
A Fleeting Visitor

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