Author: Margaret Thiele

The deepest waters beg to be tested 
and call me a fool for jumping in feet first.
Its best from a lower bridge or highest rock to make the biggest splash. 
The biggest difference, to the deepest and darkest places.
To come up almost too fast, too foolish for jumping in the first place.
Aquamarine water, like her eyes, demanded me to plunge
because we need to live again and again, gasping for air that been pushed 
out of burning lungs and popping ears. 
How wonderful the breath felt after none for 30 seconds
how bright the light was after the depth of waters tomb
it was almost too high even for me, 
but that high meant that deep, 
I promised this would be my last jump
At least for a time
I’d jumped with others for the joy of it
The thrill of rushing water at 43 degrees
Right out of the mountain whose top had been a molten lava blow 
One day, one year, ten thousand years ago,
The mystery of it all, a baptism by fire and water
We cannot fully understand it, 
I live by curiosity before calculation
Call me a fool, anytime and everytime,
Call me my name and I will test the deepest waters. 
For you and your friends, 
And I will love the shore and the hillside where rain trickles down and feeds
The deepest waters demand to be tested
And I will cling to rock and dirt like moss 
seeking salvation in a drought
When the grade is too steep and too slippery
I will crawl on my knees not begging forgiveness 
But praying with gratitude for the chance 
to be called a fool.

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