I’m Margi Morris and this is my service dog, Beau. I grew up in a small town in Washington State with an extremely hard life. I went to Washington State University then on to graduate with a master’s degree from Stanford University. I got my first job in Los Angeles, got married and had 2 boys. We lost our oldest in 1989 and moved to Gresham, Oregon. Jason went on to have a successful career in the Navy and retired after 24 years. I lost my husband in 2003 and went through some tough times. Since then I’ve volunteered teaching and tutoring kids in arithmetic and math, given classes in senior day centers and learned to paint acrylics when I was 66. I paint in a whimsical style and have shown publicly and sold many pieces. I’ve never wanted to stop learning new things so recently started taking writing through my local community college. I love to write. My first essay is published in the anthology, “Visually Uplifting” I intend to author fiction and creative non-fiction stories, books, and essays, using my life as a model “teaching” that trying new things to overcome what life throws at you can give you a great life; like my service dog has helped me live a life I never thought possible!! I want to share that it’s never too late nor too early to try new things.
You can connect with me through my email: margimorris@me.com